Someone who writes about " reneging on pledges 有人写出了“食言而肥”这样的词语,
Both sides kept accusing each other of reneging on it 两边都不断指责对方违反了协议。
Someone who writes about reneging on pledges 有人写了这些背信的事
Any more colourful candidate could renege on a deal 任何不同政见的候选人都可能就此交易而报复。
And then he reneged on his pledge 可是他最后却食言而肥。
And then he reneged on his pledge and that was my motive for attack 之后却食言而肥那便是我采取攻击的动机
Would the kremlin really renege on russia's biggest foreign investments 克里姆林宫真的会对俄最大的国外投资出尔反尔么?
Ultimately, the chinese concluded that the u . s . had reneged on its promise, made by way of the, to give chinese access to educational facilities 中国最终认识到美国背弃了burlingametreaty中为中国留学生提供良好教育的承诺。
It would be unfortunate if it were to renege on commitments to international standards that most of the world supports and adheres to 如果这个回应是违背其对于得到世界上大多数国家支持和遵守的国际标准的承诺,那将是令人遗憾的。
Mr zong has not denied the existence of the parallel network, but says danone reneged on their agreement by acquiring rival businesses in china 宗庆后没有否认存在平行业务网,但他表示,达能在中国收购竞争对手公司,违背了双方的协议。